Holy War: A Prose on the Conflicts of Muslims and Christians

He suddenly holds his breath, touches the fresh flesh cuts which he just had three folds ago with his sword embraced leaning in his arms.  He was seated at the top of the hill of the west highlands, his head lifted up high that his eyes are directly looking at the sun; blinding his eyes with its rays and its heat… Again he looked at his sheet, trying to write something. He feels his aging knees reeling him down… He suddenly hears the cries and the piercings, and the clashing of too many swords and swifting arrows of every war he had fought. He looked down at his chest, holding the breastplate of his creed, the creed of the Knights of Templar, whom had sworn in either life or death that they would guard and protect the emblem of Christianity which they consider as the highest form of service and the noblest form of worship to the God of Heavens.

Tears slowly then fell from his eyes, his heart having its beat doubled, he felt cold… real cold. Once more, the whispers of the bitter sounding battlefield pain his ears. He then asked, “Why do these people rage against us, trying to steal the faith that we have and destroy it by tearing each Christian down and burning their bodies with their soul in it?”

Confusion sets in, having himself in deepest query as to what they are defending and whether the creed they’re fighting for is true. The greatest question of truth plunges in him. Giving his mind diversions to two pathways, to keep his faith or to lead himself to the worlds of evil.

Suddenly, the horns called out for an encore, and he gazed at the East where the Templar’s army were stationed, and at his periphery northeastward, with over two thousand men bearing the flag of the Crescent Moon, the Muslim Army.

The Templar’s Army was on the wait while the Muslim Army marches towards them. He was running directly to his Army, where he slipped on a rock and fell to his knees. He prayed, earnestly asking the God that the Templar’s knights revere with the highest exaltation. He thrusts his sword into the ground and humbled himself to Him then again swore, “God of Hosts, God of David, forgive me for having hesitations and committing such sin of questioning your existence and great power. I now renew my covenant with you, to life and death, I’ll protect and keep the faith and to let it live over generations so we may bring peace and let everyone know You that we may be with You after the revelation of the final Apocalypse and free us from these devils who chases us to make us belief their demonic religion, in Your Holy Name I pray, Amen.”

Eventually, the horn sounded some more and signaled for the Army of the Templar to advance for battle and to find a closer range for the archers to initiate the battle. He ran towards his horse and drove to the frontline and he cried out loud to his people, “We swore to protect and fight for the faith that we all share, it’s what takes us here, it is also our reason why we live, ever you have doubts, ask yourselves again, what are we without faith? Defenders of the God of Heavens let us again renew our vow, lift your swords and defend your faith!”

The archers released arrows and the Muslim army resisted and dragged their way close for a dreary combat. He and his sword, with his horse rages and fought in defending what they believe.

The battled continued… He saw that the Muslims are close to their fall. He then ran on to the carriage as to where the Muslim’s emblem of faith where kept. The guardians charged against him but he had put them down. He opened the carriage, saw a book in it, when he was about to reach the book by his hands, he heard shouts of rejoicing, as once again as always, the Army of the templar won the battle.

Then, in the innermost part of the carriage, behind the curtains he saw one of the priests of the Templar which was captured by the Muslims from the Fort war. The priest was kept for over two years by the Muslims. The priest, looking anxious, held in his arms the book of the Muslims and said, “Knight, for over centuries, we’ve fought and defended the faith which we thought these Muslims were to take away from us. You had been a great knight, mighty and holy… but with that holiness that we all have, I guess we were all wrong, both we, Muslims and Christians, both ways we believe, Christians and Muslims, we have our God whom we revere as the God of Hosts, the God of Heaven and of the Earth, but I guess we were all wrong fighting against each other. For over two years which I’ve lived with them, they’ve treated me as a guest, they made me understand and explained to me the core and origin as well as the nature of their God… Knight, I regret to let you know that the faith which we defend and fight for is the very same faith that they believe in. The God that we trust is the very same and exact God that they have. We were brothers, separated from each other because of the divisions of earthly lies. Now tell me Knight, is it worth killing a brother who shares in worshipping the very same God that you have?”

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Originally published at TRIOND.com

Copyright © 2010 Tyron John Clidoro